Card Payment Sweden Newsletter Q3/22

Read the full newsletter as PDF   Payment Services Directive Review consultation gathers almost 200 comments  The public consultation launched by the European Commission on the revision of the Payment Services Directive closed on 2 August. A targeted stakeholder consultation gathering input from industry closed on 5 July. Stakeholder responses generally welcomed the revision and are broadly aligned on the need for maintaining payment processors and operators of payment systems and schemes out of the scope, as well as for publishing guidance to improve the alignment of the…

Vacant position at PNA Card Service AB

PNA Card Service AB (PNA) is looking for a Vice President. In this role you will be expected to support our members, achieving the benefit from the above-mentioned bullet points – within a wide range of cards related activities within security, standardization, scheme rules, regulations, and public relation activities. You must understand the scheme rules from the major card schemes as your direct responsibility will be to administrate and support a pan-nordic committee related to card payment-based activities. You will also be supporting our two domestic card payment…

Card Payment Sweden Newsletter Q2/22

AFIR PAYMENT PROVISIONS GO THROUGH AMENDMENTS  EU Transport Ministers adopted on 2 June a general approach to the European Commission’s Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR). In the general approach, the Council clarified that users of alternative fuels vehicles should be able to recharge or refuel on an ad hoc basis and pay easily and conveniently at all publicly accessible recharging and refuelling points, without the need to enter a contract with the operator of the recharging or refuelling point. On the means of payment, the Council made only…

Card Payment Sweden newsletter Q1/2022

CPS POSITION PAPER ON THE EU ALTERNATIVE FUELS INFRASTRUCTURE REGULATION (AFIR)  CPS welcomes the overall ambition of the European Commission proposal for an Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) to expand a cross-border, consumer-friendly EV (electric vehicles) charging infrastructure in the European Union. While AFIR aims to simplify payments at charging stations, CPS has identified important issues with regards to payments that should be further clarified. CPS believes that to ensure a successful rollout of EV charging infrastructure, the market should be as open as possible. The Issue Articles…

Betalfrågor blir ett hett ämne 2022 – Sverige måste värna fri konkurrens

Under 2022 ska betydelsefulla vägval göras som kommer att påverka den framtida betalningsmarknaden i Europa. Att marknaden tillåts utvecklas organiskt och att en mångfald av olika betalsätt erbjuds, är till gagn för både konsumenter och handlare. Därför är det olyckligt att EU-kommissionen driver på för att göra direktbetalningar till det dominerande betalsättet i hela Europa. Sverige bör som blivande ordförandeland inom EU försvara den fria konkurrensen mellan olika betalsätt. Beslut om EU-initiativ gällande massbetalningar väntas i mars 2022 I det arbetsprogram som EU-kommissionen presenterade den 19 oktober i…

Card Payment Sweden (CPS) December newsletter

EU updates EU Instant payments initiative set for March 2022  The European Commission Work Programme published on 19 October reveals the Commission plans to adopt an initiative on instant payments in the EU in March 2022 to “ensure the European providers are equipped with tools to compete with international competitors.”  The Commission has not yet decided whether the initiative will be legislative or non-legislative. Legislative options could cover a mixture of possible ‘enabling’ measures leading to the full roll-out of instant payments.   The Commissioner for financial services, financial stability and…

Sverige går i täten för digitala betalningar – låt inte EU stoppa oss

I Sverige finns en positiv attityd till ny teknik och digitala betalningar. Varför gör inte svenska företrädare mer för att försvara detta synsätt inom EU? EU-kommissionens strävan att tvinga fram ett dominerande betalsätt – direktbetalningar (instant payments) – riskerar att strypa konkurrensen och hämma utvecklingen på betalningsmarknaden. Direktbetalningar har många förtjänster, men det är feltänkt att EU ska utveckla en europeisk särlösning som premieras framför andra betalsätt. De flesta betalningar sker med kort – för att det är smidigt och säkert Statistiska Centralbyrån konstaterar att kontanternas andel av…

Card Payment Sweden (CPS) September newsletter

CPS’ answer to the European Commission’s Consultation on Instant Payments: key takeaways CPS has welcomed the opportunity to provide feedback to the European Commission’s assessment on the remaining obstacles and the possible actions to ensure a wide availability and use of instant payments in the EU. CONSUMER PREFERENCES & FAIR COMPETITION CPS believes that the European payment market offers suitable solutions for every kind of transaction. Therefore, CPS welcomes the uptake of instant payments as they will offer consumers a new payment method perfectly tailored for certain transactions,…

EU borde förespråka konkurrens – även när det gäller betalsätt

EU-kommissionen fortsätter förkunna att direktbetalningar (instant payments) ska bli det nya normala betalsättet som till stor del ersätter andra betalformer – exempelvis kortbetalningar. Strävan att tvinga fram ett dominerande betalsätt, i detta fall direktbetalningar, riskerar att försämra konkurrensen och motverka innovationer på betalningsmarknaden. I förlängningen blir det Europas konsumenter som drabbas genom att färre och sämre alternativ erbjuds. EU-kommissionen fortsätter sina insatser för att göra direktbetalningar till det dominerande betalsättet Den 10 juni anordnade EU-kommissionen ett webbinarium om att ”utforska potentialen för direktbetalningar för EU:s konsumenter och företag”.…

Card Payment Sweden (CPS) June newsletter

EU updates European Commission reflects on ‘enabling’ measures to foster the full roll-out of instant payments On 10 June 2021, the European Commission organised a webinar on “exploring the potential of instant payments for EU consumers and businesses” <> . The event focused on the opportunities and challenges of instant payments and confirmed the Commission’s objective of fostering the full take-up of instant payments in the EU. This webinar followed a targeted consultation on instant payments and will feed into the forthcoming decision on whether new legislation is…

Card Payment Sweden
Stortorget 13 B
SE-211 22 Malmö

+46 (0) 40 250 778