Newsletter Q3 2024

After the elections and summer break, European policy activity was dominated by the nomination of key positions for the European Commission and the European Parliament, as well as the publication of the Draghi report, which will play a crucial role in shaping the economic priorities of the European Union (EU) for the next five years. In this newsletter, we cover the key appointments in the Commission and Parliament, the implications and positive outcomes of the Draghi report for the financial industry, the latest developments regarding the EU’s investigation…

Newsletter Q2 2024

While MEPs were campaigning for re-election and parliamentary deliberations paused since the end of April, Council discussions continued on files relevant to card payments, namely the Payment Services Regulation and the digital euro. In addition, in this newsletter we cover outgoing ECON MEPs and which prominent members have been re-elected, a Commission consultation on AI in finance and the latest with regards to the EU’s probe into Apple Pay. Read the full newsletter as PDF   Nyhetsbrev som PDF (svensk version)

Newsletter Q1 2024

Only one month remains before Members of the European Parliament begin campaigning for the EU elections. Ahead of the final Parliament Plenary in the last week of April, EU legislators have been racing to finalise several key files impacting payments. Work on the Instant Payments regulation and the Cyber Resilience Act has been wrapped up. Discussions continue on the PSR/PSD3 and Digital euro but final agreement will happen under the next mandate. In addition, the Commission published an important study which into the Interchange Fee Regulation. Read newsletter…

Newsletter Q4/23

As the final full year of this EU institutional mandate draws to a close, with only a few months left before the elections in 2024, EU legislators have managed to complete work on key files of relevance to card payments. Agreements in trilogues were found in NovembeCard Payment Swedens nyhetsbrev Q4 2023_Svensk_SKARPr on the Instant Payments Regulation and the Cyber Resilience Act. Meanwhile, work on the PSR and PSD3, as well as the digital euro, is ongoing with the objective of finalising the Parliament’s position before the elections.…

Newsletter Q3/23

With the European institutions shut in August, the summer saw few developments on payments policy. Since the September rentrée, there have been a number of appointments in the Parliament on the last key payments files of this Commission’s term. At the same time, various industry stakeholders have now published their positions on the Payment Services legislative package. Prior to the summer break, the Parliament and Council adopted their preliminary negotiating positions for the Cyber Resilience Act. Meanwhile, the digital euro file progresses. The Spanish Presidency of the Council…

Newsletter Q2/23

The 28th June was a significant day for payments services regulation in the EU. As the Commission races against the clock to publish new legislative proposals to be adopted before the European elections next year, two major packages on Financial data access and payments and on the Single Currency, providing a framework for a Digital euro, were published. On the same day, the Parliament finalised its position on the Instant Payments Regulation, opening the way for final negotiations with the Council. Meanwhile, the European Payments Initiative has reframed…

Newsletter Q1/23

NEW REPORT RECOMMENDS CHANGES TO PSD2 Valdani, Vicari & Associati (VVA) and the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) published a study on the impact of the Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2). The report will serve as a reference point for the European Commission as it drafts its upcoming changes to the directive, expected to be published on 28 June. The report is advisory and non-binding. The authors find future developments in the market, such as the possible adoption of the digital euro or the uptake of crypto…

Card Payment Swedens nyhetsbrev Q4 2022

Fri konkurrens och konsumentskydd bör prioriteras – även på betalningsområdet Nu inleds det svenska EU-ordförandeskapet. Möjligheterna att som ordförandeland påverka olika beslutsprocesser ska inte överdrivas, men löftena i programförklaringen om att Sverige ska kämpa för fri konkurrens och konsumentskydd får för den skull inte glömmas bort. Dessa principer bör vara vägledande även inom betalningsområdet. I den svenska programförklaringen inför ordförandeskapet lyfts ”resiliens – konkurrenskraft” fram som en viktig prioritering. Med ”resiliens” avses den långsiktiga förmågan hos ett system att hantera förändringar och fortsätta utvecklas. ”EU måste fortsätta att…

Vacant position at PNA Card Service AB

PNA Card Service AB (PNA) is looking for a Vice President. In this role you will be expected to support our members, achieving the benefit from the above-mentioned bullet points – within a wide range of cards related activities within security, standardization, scheme rules, regulations, and public relation activities. You must understand the scheme rules from the major card schemes as your direct responsibility will be to administrate and support a pan-nordic committee related to card payment-based activities. You will also be supporting our two domestic card payment…

Betalfrågor blir ett hett ämne 2022 – Sverige måste värna fri konkurrens

Under 2022 ska betydelsefulla vägval göras som kommer att påverka den framtida betalningsmarknaden i Europa. Att marknaden tillåts utvecklas organiskt och att en mångfald av olika betalsätt erbjuds, är till gagn för både konsumenter och handlare. Därför är det olyckligt att EU-kommissionen driver på för att göra direktbetalningar till det dominerande betalsättet i hela Europa. Sverige bör som blivande ordförandeland inom EU försvara den fria konkurrensen mellan olika betalsätt. Beslut om EU-initiativ gällande massbetalningar väntas i mars 2022 I det arbetsprogram som EU-kommissionen presenterade den 19 oktober i…

Card Payment Sweden
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SE-211 22 Malmö

+46 (0) 40 250 778