Two new CPS Position papers; re VAT fraud and IFR

Card Payment Sweden Positions on VAT Fraud/PSP Reporting

On the 18th of February 2020 the Council adopted a set of rules to facilitate detection of tax fraud in cross-border e-commerce transactions.

In the attached PDF you find a CPS position paper commenting on this


Card Payment Sweden Positions on IFR

The Commission will by Q2 2020, probably in June, present a report on the application of the IFR. The Commission could decide to link a legislative initiative to the report. If so, this would be in line with the review clause saying that the report “shall, if appropriate, be accompanied by a legislative proposal”.

In the attached PDF you find a position paper from CPS commenting on this.



Card Payment Sweden
Stortorget 13 B
SE-211 22 Malmö

+46 (0) 40 250 778