Card Payment Swedens nyhetsbrev Q4 2022

Fri konkurrens och konsumentskydd bör prioriteras – även på betalningsområdet Nu inleds det svenska EU-ordförandeskapet. Möjligheterna att som ordförandeland påverka olika beslutsprocesser ska inte överdrivas, men löftena i programförklaringen om att Sverige ska kämpa för fri konkurrens och konsumentskydd får för den skull inte glömmas bort. Dessa principer bör vara vägledande även inom betalningsområdet. I den svenska programförklaringen inför ordförandeskapet lyfts ”resiliens – konkurrenskraft” fram som en viktig prioritering. Med ”resiliens” avses den långsiktiga förmågan hos ett system att hantera förändringar och fortsätta utvecklas. ”EU måste fortsätta att…

Proposal EU Regulation on Cyber Resilience Act

POSITION PAPER: Card Payment Sweden Statement on the Proposal for an EU Regulation on Cyber Resilience Act – (horizontal cybersecurity requirements for products with digital elements and amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020) Read the statement as PDF   CPS acknowledges the European Commission proposal for a regulation on Cybersecurity requirements  for products with digital elements published on 15 September 2022. While CPS supports the Commission’s efforts to enhance cyber security and target vulnerabilities, we strongly believe the requirements should be better aligned with global established security standards and processes…

Proposal EU Regulation on instant credit transfers

POSITION PAPER: Card Payment Sweden Statement on the Proposal for an EU Regulation as regards instant credit transfers in euro 2022/0341(COD) Read the statement as PDF   CPS acknowledges the European Commission proposal for a regulation on instant payments in euros published on 26 October 2022. The uptake of instant payments could enable more competition in the area of payments for consumers and merchants where today established payment solutions exist for certain transactions like payments for online or physical shopping and peer-to-peer (P2P) payments. For consumers in particular,…

Card Payment Sweden Newsletter (international) Q4/22

Read the newsletter as PDF   EUROPEAN COMMISSION PUBLISHES 2023 WORK PROGRAMME On 18 October, the European Commission published its 2023 Work Programme listing upcoming legislation planned for next year. The programme includes several proposals concerning payments. Namely, the Commission confirmed the revision of the Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) for the second quarter of 2023, which will be accompanied by a proposal on open finance aimed at improving data access in financial services.  The Commission will also propose legislation laying out the principles for the digital euro…

Card Payment Sweden Newsletter Q3/22

Read the full newsletter as PDF   Payment Services Directive Review consultation gathers almost 200 comments  The public consultation launched by the European Commission on the revision of the Payment Services Directive closed on 2 August. A targeted stakeholder consultation gathering input from industry closed on 5 July. Stakeholder responses generally welcomed the revision and are broadly aligned on the need for maintaining payment processors and operators of payment systems and schemes out of the scope, as well as for publishing guidance to improve the alignment of the…

Vacant position at PNA Card Service AB

PNA Card Service AB (PNA) is looking for a Vice President. In this role you will be expected to support our members, achieving the benefit from the above-mentioned bullet points – within a wide range of cards related activities within security, standardization, scheme rules, regulations, and public relation activities. You must understand the scheme rules from the major card schemes as your direct responsibility will be to administrate and support a pan-nordic committee related to card payment-based activities. You will also be supporting our two domestic card payment…

Card Payment Sweden Newsletter Q2/22

AFIR PAYMENT PROVISIONS GO THROUGH AMENDMENTS  EU Transport Ministers adopted on 2 June a general approach to the European Commission’s Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR). In the general approach, the Council clarified that users of alternative fuels vehicles should be able to recharge or refuel on an ad hoc basis and pay easily and conveniently at all publicly accessible recharging and refuelling points, without the need to enter a contract with the operator of the recharging or refuelling point. On the means of payment, the Council made only…

Det ska vara smidigt att betala för snabbladdning av elbilen i hela Europa – det är också en del av den fria rörligheten

Vi får aldrig glömma bort den idé som Europasamarbetet vilar på, att fri rörlighet och utbyte mellan länder skapar förutsättningar för fred och ekonomisk utveckling. Även möjligheterna att använda olika betalningsformer har betydelse för att förverkliga visionen om ett fredligt och blomstrande Europa. Det märks kanske nu mer än någonsin. Betalningsmöjligheter ger frihet Också när det gäller betalningsfrågor präglas nyhetsflödet av Rysslands anfallskrig mot Ukraina. EU har infört kännbara ekonomiska sanktioner mot Ryssland och mot individer med kopplingar till Putin-regimen. Ett antal ryska och belarusiska banker har blivit…

Card Payment Sweden newsletter Q1/2022

CPS POSITION PAPER ON THE EU ALTERNATIVE FUELS INFRASTRUCTURE REGULATION (AFIR)  CPS welcomes the overall ambition of the European Commission proposal for an Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) to expand a cross-border, consumer-friendly EV (electric vehicles) charging infrastructure in the European Union. While AFIR aims to simplify payments at charging stations, CPS has identified important issues with regards to payments that should be further clarified. CPS believes that to ensure a successful rollout of EV charging infrastructure, the market should be as open as possible. The Issue Articles…

CPS comments on: Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR)

CPS welcomes the overall ambition of the European Commission proposal for an Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) to expand a cross-border, consumer-friendly EV (electric vehicles) charging infrastructure in the European Union. While AFIR aims to simplify payments at charging stations, CPS has identified important issues with regards to payments that should be further clarified. CPS believes that to ensure a successful rollout of EV charging infrastructure, the market should be as open as possible. The Issue Articles 5 and 7 of the Commission’s proposal mandates specific payment technologies…

Card Payment Sweden
Stortorget 13 B
SE-211 22 Malmö

+46 (0) 40 250 778